Monday, November 24, 2008

Nov 24 Post

Biggest two day rally since 1987 and we got all of it!!. I loved watching the shorts run for the doors and the train jumpers. Some stocks were up as much as 54%. That will never happen without panic. The rally speed up into the bell but it sold off with 10 minutes to go. People were selling the rally. I sold half of my long SSO after the bell and rolled into my short SDS. I don’t see this rally going much longer and I will be quick to sell 50% of my remaining SSO. We are right at the old lows and many people that thought they would call a bottom will be selling if we go over 850 on the S&P 500 to get even. Plus tomorrow we have consumer confidence and the revised Q3 GDP coming out and they will not be pretty. Oh yeah….lets not forget that the economy is broke and the only good news for the economy is coming from the government.

I just want to officially thank all the greedy shorts that didn’t cover last Thursday or Friday for the great two day run. I guess they thought the market was going to zero. Don’t be like these guys….sell some SSO into any rally and start scaling into SDS.

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