Friday, November 21, 2008

Nov 21

Today has all the makings of my rip your face off rally. Of course, this type of rally will have nothing to do with the fact that our economy is screwed. It will be all technical, greed and fear driven. The moron investors that thought it would be a great idea to short yesterday will be the first to cover as they lose money. Then all the guys that have been short will be kicking themselves because they didn’t cover at the end of the day yesterday. They will feel like they lost money so they will take whatever profit they can get. Then to really push it up the buyers that don’t want to miss the rally will jump on the train. These train jumpers will be just like the morons that shorted yesterday. They will be too late and the first to sell when we roll over and they lose money.

I know this sounds crazy because buying a stock SHOULD be about buying a company’s fundamentals and looking out 6 to 12 months….not just crazy emotions. Well, fundamentals of a company are not even in the cards right now. This market is all about emotions and is moving fast. We are getting year moves in days and sometimes hours. It is crazy town and I’m trying my best to stay sane.

Never forget that the dice are loaded….throw hard!!

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